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Ft. Dr. Kameron King


Ft. Allysia Chin


The Introduction

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"At the end of the day, things will work out. Even though things are tough right now, it will work out one way or another. The path to your destination may not be what you expect... you may find something even better" - Jeanette Adjei

Academic Background

BSc Chemistry, Toronto Metropolitan University


PhD Candidate, Inorganic Chemistry

Research Focus

Increasing reaction rates using organophosphorus molecules synthesized in a lab

A Q&A with


What has been the biggest challenge pursuing a career in STEM as a black woman?

It can sometimes be hard to fit in and there have been some situations where I felt unwelcome. It's really hard to work in an environment and focus while dealing with other distractions and microaggressions. It sucks because my other colleagues, who are white, do not have to deal with these kind of things and are able to focus and get to where they want to be. 

I have often felt that I have had to work two times as hard to get half of what others get. But,I try not to focus on that and let it cloud my mind. If you do end up in this position, just know that the people treating you this way don't deserve you and that there are other spaces out there that will be better and will make me feel like [you] belong

A Q&A with


What piece of advice or tip would you give to someone pursuing a career in your field currently

Step out of your comfort zone! [Otherwise], opportunities won't just come. There will be some people who reach out to you, and it is great to have mentors who will make those connections for you, but, eventually you will also have to make things happen. So, networking, talking to people, going to conferences, events or even just a small get together. Going to these things and meeting people there could make you great connections.

You need to push yourself a little bit to grow.

To add to that, I would also say find a mentor. It doesn't have to be your research supervisor, but seek out people that suit your ideals or have had similar goals to yours and reached them so you can use them as a blueprint. I personally make sure to have multiple mentors throughout my journey. You should also [note] that you will likely have different mentors at different points in your life and it's also good to have different perspectives. 

A Q&A with


A Q&A with


If you could give advice to your younger self, what would it be?

This is something that I need to remind myself of, and it's that no matter what, things will work out. Even though it is sometimes tough throughout your journey, it will work out one way or another. It may not be the same path that you expected or, the destination may change. You may find something even better.


To black women I would say, always make sure you find a community. Those are the people who will offer you advice, who you can listen to and who will listen to you. These are the people who will relate to you and will go through a similar experiences. There may be a point that you will feel isolated, so find a community so that you won't feel isolated

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